Australia residency
The Australia Residency program accommodated artists from Australia.
The residency included:
- a live-in studio of 100m2 with internet connection and access to wood and metal workshops
- a global AUD $10,000 scholarship for travel expenses, weekly stipend and production costs
- the organization of studio visits and artist talk for the public
- mentoring and professionnal networking during the residency period
For any additional information contact:
2014 - Kenzee Patterson
2013 - Mary Teague
2012 - Keg de Souza
2011 - Wade Marynovsky
2010 - Mark Brown
2009 - Kerrie Kenton, Mervyn Bishop
2013 - Mary Teague
2012 - Keg de Souza
2011 - Wade Marynovsky
2010 - Mark Brown
2009 - Kerrie Kenton, Mervyn Bishop
This program was funded by The Canada Council for the Arts, Artspace and by Arts NSW.