Berdaguer & Péjus

Berdaguer & Péjus use a language derived from architecture and design to compose autonomous, participatory works. Their work unfolds in a vast catalog of installations, sculptures, videos and photomontages. These combine scientific knowledge, structural interventions and the environment, with references to radical artists and architects of the 1970s such as Robert Smithson and Superstudio. Berdaguer & Péjus deceive the viewer's expectations by altering familiar objects and spaces with disconcerting and sometimes ironic subtlety. The concepts that dictate their artistic approach revolve around notions that explain certain neurological and physical functions and dysfunctions. Their work deconstructs our experience of matter by exposing the sensory mechanisms by which we perceive it more clearly.


Christophe Berdaguer (b. 1968) and Marie Péjus (b. 1969) live and work in Marseille. Graduates of the Villa Arson in Nice, they have been working as a duo since the 90s, producing a body of work now preserved in numerous regional French collections. Over the course of their careers, Berdaguer & Péjus have been selected to pursue residencies at Trankat in Téouan, Morocco in 2014, at Cirva in Marseille between 2008 and 2010, and at the prestigious Villa Médicis in Rome in 2007. The same year, the artist duo received the Ricard Foundation Prize. Their extensive work has been the subject of exhibitions, public commissions and publications in France and abroad.


Recent exhibitions


Déliquescence, group exhibition, Fonderie Darling, Montréal, CA


Paysages synonymes, résidence Huet-Repolt, Bruxelles, BL

Les portes du possible, group exhibition, Centre Beaubourg-Metz, FR

Fait machine, group exhibition, Miam , Sète, FR

Parade, group exhibition, Musée d'Art contemporain, Marseille, FR


La chair au contact de la chair, solo exhibition, galerie Papillon, Paris, FR

Missing, group exhibition, Galerie Martine Aboucaya, FR

Architectures impossibles, group exhibition, Musée des Beaux Arts de Nancy,


Autre chose qu’une maison, solo exhibition, cité des Sciences, Paris, FR

Oblique strategies/ Part1 et 2, group exhibition, Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR

Hypnose, group exhibition, Musée de Nantes, FR