Maggy Hamel-Metsos

Working primarily in sculpture, Metsos’ practice is a negotiation between the singular - the personal and the common - the cultural.. She is interested in the mechanisms of reduction, expansion and abstraction present in language and while making use of words in her own work, she incorporates those strategies in her material propositions.  

Through objects, images and text, new semantic constructions are created by establishing connections between the personal, the mythological and the historical. She often overloads her subjects with meaning in delusional ways and exhumes the ancient image animating them, making the seemingly banal permeated by ancient, affective orvital forces. 

At the heart of her interests lies the political, understood as the movements from and towards the public and private spheres, amongst a concern for denomination and a fascination for the child’s psyche.


Maggy Hamel-Metsos' studio was sponsored by the generous support of the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal in 2023-2024. 




Born in 1997, Maggy Hamel-Metsos is an early career artist living and working in Montreal. Metsos holds a BFA in Fine Arts in Studio Arts  from Concordia University. Her work has been both exhibited and is in private collections in Canada, Germany, and the USA. . She is the 2020 Québec recipient of the BMO 1st Art Prize.  and is a laureate of the Fonderie Darling’s 2023-2026 Montreal Studio Program. Maggy Hamel-Metsos is represented by Parc Offsite gallery in Montreal.


Recent exhibitions


Life’s Marching Band, solo exhibition, Pumice Raft, Toronto, CA

Whole Wide World, solo exhibition, Parc Offsite, Montreal, CA


BMO 1st Art Winners Exhibition, group exhibition, Art Museum University of Toronto, Toronto, CA

Caretakers, solo exhibition, Parc Offsite, Montreal, CA

Untitled, group exhibition, La Station, Montreal, CA


Le Corps Référentiel, group exhibition, Le Livart, Montreal, CA


We made silence speak, he did not show himself, group exhibition, Rad Hourani Gallery, Montreal, CA


Rats, Atlas Éclairage, Montreal, CA

It’s Going to be a Fine Night Tonight, Studios Parthenais, Montreal, CA