Kuh Del Rosario

Kuh Del Rosario works with rubble accumulated from life, instigating dialogues of alchemic processes and tensions of weathering and decay. Attuning with things left behind, easily discarded, and the spirit that insists between the cracks, she is in perpetual motion towards an animist worldview in which all things matter.

Del Rosario’s practice references alternate realms through which urban detritus are revitalized and transfigured into new forms. Her work puts forward the idea that death no longer implies a critical end but an opportunity to become anew, that time manifests on the skins of ruins and distorts the past, present and future.


Kuh Del Rosario’s studio was sponsored by the generous support of Romany Eveleigh's gift in 2023-2024. 


Kuh Del Rosario received her BFA in Painting from the Alberta College of Art & Design (now AUArts). She is currently finishing  an MFA in the Sculpture and Ceramics department at Concordia University.. In 2023, she participated in the Brucebo Fine Art Summer Residency program in Gotland, Sweden.


Recent exhibitions


Catalogue Des Ruines, group exhibition, Centre des arts actuels Skol, Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang/Montréal, CA


Groundworks, group exhibition, Maison de la Culture NDG, Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyang / Montréal, CA

Summoning Black Beach, Centre Clark , Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyang / Montréal, CA

Writing Mountains – Entre les lignes, group exhibition, Stewart Hall Art Gallery Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyang / Montreal, CA

Worried Earth: Eco-Anxiety & Entangled Grief, group exhibition, Port Loggia Gallery (NSCAD), Wabanaki / Mi’kma’ki / Halifax,, Canada

Formless, group exhibition, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Treaty 13/Toronto, CA


Dead Darlings, group exhibition/auction, Vrij Paleis Gallery Amsterdam, NL

Worried Earth: Eco-Anxiety & Entangled Grief, group exhibition, Gallery 1c03, Treaty 1 / Winnipeg, CA

À distance-de soi / At a distance from within, group exhibition, Projet Casa / ART POP, Tiohtià:ke /Montreal, CA

Le présent, modes d’emploi, group exhibition, Maison de la culture Janine-Sutto, Tiohtià:ke /Montreal, CA


Vers des cycles mouvants, exposition de groupe, EXPRESSION Centre d'exposition de St-Hyacinthe, Tiohtià:ke/Saint-Hyacinthe, CA