Sophie Lapalu

Currently, Sophie Lapalu’s research incorporates how normal actions taken from everyday life can become fully realized performances by artists within the public sphere – even without drawing the attention of spectators. Recent exhibitions in 2013 include Pretty Vacant, a group exhibition co-curated with Ann Stouvenel in Strasbourg.


Sophie Lapalu is an independent curator and art critic who graduated from the program of Professional Curatorial Practices a t the École du Magasin in Grenoble, and received her Master I and II from the École du Louvre in Paris.


Recent exhibitions


Pretty Vacant, co-commissaire avec Ann Stouvenel, exposition collective, Villa Renata, Bâle et La Chaufferie, Strasbourg

Revue Blanche pour Nuit Blanche, Théâtre du Grand Parquet, Paris

L’île, monographie de Pauline Delwaulle, Cstiftung Culturel franco-allemand de Karlsruhe (Allemagne).

Mille Feuillets III, YGREC, en partenariat avec la Stadelshule de Francfort et Drawing Now, le salon du dessin contemporain

Exposition contée, Nuit Blanche, Théâtre du Grand Parquet, Paris

En filigrane, la jeune génération d’artistes femme en France, conférence, Festival Frauen Perspektiven, stiftung Culturel franco-allemand de Karlsruhe Allemagne