Jonas Baumann

Jonas Baumann portrays a critical and humorous view on society and popular culture. Through metaphor, his paintings and drawings with vivid colors tell stories that depict fantastical universes, related to comics.


Jonas Baumann, aka Joachim Sputnik, has obtained in 2010 a degree of Art in Design from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lucerne. In 2011, he created on Facebook a personal art project entitled In Your Face Book, for which he produced colorful portraits from profile pictures of those who follow his page.

Recent exhibitions


Die Linie Denkt, akku, Emmen


Kunst findet Stadt, Volkshaus Solothurn, Soleure

Jungkunst, Halle 52, Winterthour

Going Places, Oslo10 Basement, par Alexandra Blättler, Bâle

torwand, Kunsthalle Luzern, Lucerne


In Your Face Book, SHOWROOM Basel, Hinterhof, Eldorado Basel, Bâle

Holly Daze, Espace Fibre, Montréal

Incognito, Usine 106u, Montréal