Marion Lisch

Marion Lisch’s work in sculpture, installation and performance, questions the autonomy of the artwork within a world in perpetual motion. Her aesthetics plays with balance and tipping points, waiting objects, invented mechanisms, the poetics of the absurd and potential failures. At first sight, the work entitled Sunsets consists in a projection reflected in a mirror, where one can see a series of low res video clips showing sunsets in oftentimes scenic landscapes. Thanks to a program set as a clockwork, the video clips are in fact directly sourced from live webcams that are continuously accessible on the Web, in order to capture sunsets in real time through various points of the world by following the orbit of Earth around the Sun. Similar to the green flash which is supposedly visible to the naked eye when the sun touches the horizon line, Sunsets invents a way for us to move at Earth's speed by extending - potentially forever - the tilting moment between day and night. The apparatus of visual relays designed by Lisch, not unlike a visual trap, plays with our perceptual thresholds and subverts our spatial landmarks: at the Darling Foundry's entrance hall, for a few weeks the sun sets, at all times, in the east.

The artwork Sunsets is on display at the entrance hall of the gallery from September 19 to December 08, 2019.


A recent graduate from the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier in 2017, Marion Lisch has taken part in numerous group exhibitions in France. A founding member of the collective In Extremis which operates with 11 emerging artists, she is also involved in a number of collaborative and curatorial projects in the region of Montpellier, most notably in duo with the artist Nicolas Aguirre. Since 2018, she has been working as an exhibition coordinator at the Montpellier branch of Glassbox art space.