Fonderie Darling — Gare de Matapédia — Galerie Sans Nom — Galerie Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen — Projet Borgitte 

MONTRÉAL, LE 17 JUILLET 2024  Quartier Éphémère, in collaboration with Galerie Sans Nom and Projet Borgitte, are pleased to announce that Marie Ségolène Brault (QC), Carolyne Scenna (QC), Pierre Durette (QC), Annie France Noël (NB), and Rotchild Choisy (NB) are the recipients of the very first edition of the Quebec-Acadie Residencies. After evaluating more than fifty applications, the selection committee made up of Caroline Andrieux and Milly A. Dery of Fonderie Darling and Gare de Matapédia, Emily Muckler of Galerie Sans Nom, artist Rémi Belliveau, Nisk Imbeault of Galerie Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen and Éloïse LeBlanc of Projet Borgitte, chose these artists for the quality of their work, the clarity of their proposal, the relevance of the residency project and its impact on the community and the development of their professional career.

As part of the Quebec-Acadie Residencies program, artists will spend three months in residency, alternating between Fonderie Darling in Montreal, Gare de Matapédia in Gaspésie, Galerie Sans Nom in Moncton, and the Borgitte project in Cap Pelé. This program is the first year of a three-year exchange initiative aimed at strengthening ties between Canada's French-speaking communities, showcasing Acadian culture, and fostering collaboration between artist-run centres and residencies in both provinces, bringing their art scenes closer together.


Marie Ségolène Brault lives and works in Montreal. Her artistic practice focuses on writing and later evolves into performance and sculptural installations that create destabilizing environments filled with symbolism and coded references. She incorporates familiar found objects, household and office items, as well as organic ingredients into her work. Marie Ségolène Brault is the founder and director of Espace Maurice in Montreal, which is an alternative space dedicated to the visual arts. Additionally, the artist holds a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in performance art from the Art Institute of Chicago

Carolyne Scenna lives and works in Montreal. Her multidisciplinary approach focuses on sculpture, experimental animation techniques, sound, and print, which take shape in imposing installations. She uses material to question our sensitive relationship with images and built environments, such as the exhibition space and aspires to dismantle their social and hierarchical structures. In 2017, Carolyne Scenna completed a master's degree in visual and media arts at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She has exhibited her work across Quebec and participated in numerous international residencies. 

Pierre Durette lives and works in Causapscal, in Gaspesie. In his drawings, he blurs spatio-temporal reference points in frescoes of disconcerting composition, where characters, objects, and scenes intermingle with historical images and a world of science fiction. His sculptures utilize a more abstract language, allowing for an appreciation of the transformation of matter. Additionally, Pierre Durette explores printmaking, drawing on archival images from the collective and popular imagination. He recently showcased his work in a solo exhibition at Projet Casa in Montreal, and his pieces are featured in numerous private collections, including that of Loto-Québec. Pierre Durette holds a B.A. in visual and media arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal.

Annie France Noël lives and works in Moncton, New Brunswick. Intimacy and vulnerability are the foundations of her artistic practice, which focuses on the theme of parenthood in relation to identity and memory. Her attention to truths that are often overlooked, rendered invisible, or marginalized is reflected in her photographs, as she seeks to dismantle power relations between the artist and the subject. Annie France Noël has exhibited her work throughout New Brunswick and was long-listed for the Scotiabank New Generation Photography Award in 2023. The artist studied science and photography at the Université de Moncton.

Rotchild Choisy lives and works in Moncton, New Brunswick. A multidisciplinary artist working mainly in painting, his work is rooted in a process of introspection and retrospection that reveals the variants and singularities of identity. He uses emotions to reflect social inequalities, over-consumption, environmental problems, and behavioral disorders that characterize the current era. In 2022, Rotchild Choisy graduated from the Université de Moncton with a B.A. in Visual Arts. Since then, he has been invited to exhibit his work across the country, including two solo shows at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in 2023 and 2024.


745 Ottawa St, Montreal – fonderiedarling.org

10 MacDonell St, Matapédia (QC) – garedematapedia.ca

140 Botsford St, #13, Moncton (NB) – galeriesansnom.org

57 Allée Sainte-Croix, Cap-Pelé (NB) – projetborgitte.ca

405 de l’Université Av., Moncton (NB) – /www.umoncton.ca/umcm-ga/


Morgane Lecocq-Lemieux
+1 514-392-1554