Luiza Proença

Luiza Proença is interested in practices that reconfigure the division and organization of cultural work, allow collective engagement, and which does not fear differences, desires, and tensions that might emerge during time. Her curatorial practice starts as a response to a local urgency and it is developed in a dialogical and transversal process. Through this process, Proença aims to develop spaces and situations that can host other understandings of the notions of "work" and "art". Claiming a constant ethical-political positioning, she has been recently involved in projects and discussions around art and decolonization and on indigenous ways of knowing. During her residence in Montréal, Proença hopes to make connections that could amplify this still incipient discussion in her country and, if possible, to develop a platform for collectively evaluating the different situations that arise in this field in Brazil and other countries of the Americas.


During the past decade, Luiza Proença has held positions in curation, research, edition and education in a number of institutions in Brazil, among which the Mercosul and the São Paulo biennials, as well as the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP). Holding a Master's in Subjectivity studies and clinical psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, she is currently completing a research mandate for the international project Bauhaus Imaginista, directed by Marion von Osten and Grant Watson, on the exchanges and dialogues between the Bauhaus and non-European modernisms. 

Recent exhibitions


BAUHAUS IMAGINISTA, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (Germany)


BAUHAUS IMAGINISTA, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo (Brazil)


Avenida PaulistaMuseu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)


PlaygroundsMuseu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)

Histories of Slavery, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil) 


Art from Brazil in 20th Century, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)

Histories of Madness: Drawings from JuqueryMuseu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)


How to (...) things that don't exist, 31st Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)