Lani Maestro
Lani Maestro was born in the Philippines in 1957. She came to Canada in 1983 and pursued an MFA at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax in 1989. In that period, Maestro’s work was included in the Segunda Bienal de la Habana in Cuba (1985) where it received the Bienal Prize. Since then, Maestro has received increasing international recognition for her work and she has exhibited widely across the world. Last year, Maestro mounted two exhibitions in Canada, “l’oubli de l’air”, in collaboration with American composer Malcolm Goldstein at the Darling Foundry in Montreal, and “her rain” at the Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art co-organized by Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art. - See more at: http://plugin.org/exhibitions/2011/lani-maestro-her-rain#sthash.TS63ATaF.dpuf
Lani Maestro est née en 1957 aux Philippines. Elle arrive au Canada en 1983 et poursuit une maîtrise en arts visuels au Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.