Simon S. Belleau

Simon Belleau’s work in sculpture, video, installation and painting borrows from the tropes of theatre and cinematography. The mechanisms that define theatre and politics are often catalysts in his work, with a particular interest in the negotiations that occur between the visible realm of spectacle and what is hidden behind the scenes. Historical events, texts and places often function as starting points from which the projects further explore the philosophical implications of narration, translation, montage and time. 

Simon Belleau’s studio was sponsored by the generous support of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in 2022, The Ouellette Family Foundation in 2021 and the Audain Foundation in 2019/2020. 


Simon S. Belleau is an artist and filmmaker based between Montreal and Rome. He completed in 2015 an MFA at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he was the recipient of the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Fellowship. Belleau has participated in multiple exhibitions in Canada, the United States and Europe, notably at the Musée d’Art Contemporain in Montreal, the Fondazione Antonio Ratti in Italy, and the Sculpture Center in New York. Between 2019 and 2021, he was an Artist-in-Residence and Lecturer in the Concordia University Sculpture Department and was one of the artists in residence at the Fonderie Darling for the 2019-2022 program. Belleau was selected in 2023 for the CALQ’s six-month residency at the Québec Studio in Rome.

Recent exhibitions


100,000,000 bushels, Liste Art Fair Basel, Galerie Eli Kerr, Bâle, QC

Hors Scène, Galerie Stewart Hall, Montréal, QC

Sans Titre, Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen (SIGHTINGS 36), Montréal, QC


Ébauche de scénario, Galerie Eli Kerr, Montreal, QC


For a few acres of snow, solo show, AXENÉO7, Gatineau, QC

Everything Merges, Emerges, then Fades Again, Group show, Fonderie Darling (Place Publique), Montreal 

COMÉDIE, solo show, Cassandra Cassandra gallery, Toronto, ON
La Machine Qui Enseignait Des Airs Aux Oiseaux, group show, Musée d'art Contemporain de Montréal, Montreal

Champs Élysées, Solo exhibition at Parisian Laundry gallery, Montréal

May West, Group show at Vicki, Newburgh NY, USA 

Chicago Invitational Art Fair, Presented by NADA
Parasian Laundry, Chicago (IL)


Laboratorio Aperto, group show, Asilo Sant’Elia, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como Lake (IT)
Du Côté de chez Soon, group show, Galerie René Blouin, Montreal
In practice: Another echo, group show, Sculpture Center, New York (US)
When things become thoughts: a sinkhole in my terraformed mind, group show, MAW Gallery, New York (US)