Annie France Noël

Annie France Noël is honing an emerging performance practice alongside her photographic work. Her project Lux Nox reveals the complexity of the relentless burdens associated with the experience of parenthood and the intrapersonal confrontations that this phase of life entails, notably the questioning of identity and the tension between the role of parent and one's existence as an individual.

As part of her residency, Annie France Noël is developing a performative media work dedicated to the study of parental presence. Using the baby monitor as both recorder and presenter, she forms an intimate sphere around the parent, where she simultaneously perceives herself and is perceived. Accompanied by audio captured by the monitor, in the form of a lullaby for herself, the resulting lo-fi quality lends a raw authenticity, challenging the polished veneer often associated with the representation of parenthood. This approach underscores the loneliness that sometimes accompanies this experience, and questions how to care, and care for whom. 

Annie France Noël's practice explores the intimacy and vulnerability of the human experience through photographic and interdisciplinary approaches. Drawing on her own experience, she reveals the unspoken and unseen aspects of parenthood. She manipulates the dynamics of the gaze and of what is perceived, and exploits the inherent limitations of photography, an imperfect medium, to make invisible experiences detectable.



Born in 1987, Annie France Noël is a queer and Acadian artist, photographer and cultural worker. She obtained her education by immersing herself in the teachings of her community, and has been actively working in the cultural sector since 2010. She directed Galerie Sans Nom for nine years and served on the board of CARFAC National for three terms. Her work is shown in many galleries in New Brunswick and elsewhere, including a first solo exhibition at the Winnipeg Artists' House in 2022. She has been shortlisted three times for the New Generation Photography Award, won the bronze medal in photography at the VIII Jeux de la Francophonie in Abidjan in 2017, and her work is included in numerous private and public collections. Originally from Galaget (Caraquet), she lives and works on the unceded traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik and Mi'kmaq peoples in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Recent exhibitions


Contemplation: Perspectives queers d'autoreprésenation, curator, Galerie d'art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen, Moncton, CAN

ailleurs n’existe pas, duo exhibition, Atelier d’estampe Imago / Festival Frye, Moncton, CAN

Les Baby Blues, solo exhibition, La Maison des Artistes, Winnipeg, CAN

Les Baby Blues: Partum, solo exhibition, Struts Gallery, Sackville, CAN