Pierre Durette

In his dense works, Pierre Durette traces short-circuited networks of fictional and real events from all spheres of knowledge. To look at his works is to look at a fragment of history in disorder. His work addresses themes of deviance, ambivalence, and anxiety linked to the latent threats surrounding us. For this reason, he attempts to retrieve these themes from the margins of current events, stripping them of their original context and unity of time. He uses this blurring to make the subjects collide and create an unexpected effect of meaning.

During his residency, Pierre Durette intends to begin a new series of drawings entitled Marais, in the same spirit as his series Le délabrement des possibles. His creations are characterized by an anachronistic play that blurs spatio-temporal reference points, creating a confusion where everything mixes and interpenetrates. Metaphorically, his works are inspired by a shifting swamp where ideas dilute and coalesce into a shapeless, teeming mass. These visual fictions are comparable to a historical fresco that vacillates between the beginning of civilization and science fiction.


Pierre Durette holds a B.A. in visual arts from UQAM. He has exhibited collectively and individually in institutional venues, artist-run centers, and private galleries across Quebec. He has also carried out public art projects at the CPE de Matane and the Église de Saint-Cyprien. In recent years, his work has been presented at the Centre d'Art de Kamouraska and Projet Casa in Montreal, and he will soon exhibit his work in Duo at the Centre d'artiste Caravansérail in Rimouski.

Recent exhibitions


Le délabrement des possibles, solo exhibition, Centre d’art de Kamouraska, Kamouraska, CA

Le Chant des Marais, solo exhibition, Projet Casa, Montréal


Arcadia : Archéologie du futur, solo exhibition, Musée du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Rivière-du-Loup, CA


Programme Vacances-Travail, group exhibition, Galerie Simon Blais, Montréal, CA