3 performances evening on August 10 on Place Publique. 

Alfonso ArzapaloUnroll and Roll

Alfonso Arzapalo is a Montreal based artist using body and space as a laboratory to explore the deeper meaning of existence, of the human condition and its relationship to its environment. His research revolves mainly around the dailylife phenomena, our relationship with them, and the material and ethereal residues resulting. In to Roll and Unroll, the artist interprets an ‘’event score’’ out of a collection of event scores created in 2010 : 60 seconds: in minute performance and other poems. Using a roll of paper, a fragile and delicate material, the artist created a physical, conceptual and poetic space. The manipulations of paper prints become a part of the object’s nature, while the prints also occupy the space and change the landscape of the place during their coexistence. 

Christina BosowecBed of roses

The practice of Christina Bosowec mainly explores the use of dailylife objects through the activation of the body. It implies a re-contextualisation of these elements, often considered as commons, by questioning the subjective meaning given to them. She thus develops a more intimate connection with those elements. Through this approach, Christina Bosowec reviews the materiality of objects and explores the possibility of seeing beyond their traditional use. For Bed of Roses, the artist explores her own meticulous nature, which led her to collect and select. She develops an emotional connection to objects that are soft and comfortable, thus sharing alternative visions of these elements by tapping into their emotional depth.

Charlebois VincentToujours vivant. Presque 6000 x 2 mots (Trust me)

Vincent Charlebois is a Montreal based interdisciplinary artist. His artistic practice revolves around a blend of disciplines, such as performance, text-based art and new media. His approach specifically explores the constraints related to the intangible heritage of the actual multi-channel information network, as well as those related to the interrelation between man and machine, in a context of dematerialized exchanges. Charlebois currently lives on the internet. 

“Since 2009, I tweet and re-tweet two words” (@vincencharleboi)

This performance physically invokes the archive of this tweeter account. Through sound and gesture, the textual material initially dedicated to a screen platform takes form into the street. Two words creating a thousand of combinations will thus pass from a public context to another, from the screen to the street asphalt.