Karine Fréchette / Shadow Recorder 4V1 and Shadow Recorder 5V1

While words allow us to reduce a work to its simplest expression, the filtering of visible phenomena reframes our experience of the world according to its most elementary geometry. A free observation of a post-Internet conception of landscape, Shadow Recorder 4V1 and Shadow Recorder 5V1 are sketches of ongoing research: How might line and colour embody the momentary experience of a moving shadow? Outside the confines of her studio, Karine Fréchette exposes two long swaths of sheer fabric to the elements, hanging them from metal structures like large flags fluttering on Place Publique. Studies of the effects of light due to variations in the solar cycle are associated with an analytical abstraction of forms and a process that emphasizes a repeated, asynchronous gesture. Methodical and meticulous, the latter allows the artist to make tangible an intangible fragment of reality, the transient experience of an opaque body intercepting light.


7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Place publique

TOUT SE CONFOND, APPARAÎT, PUIS S'EFFACE DE NOUVEAU [Everything Merges, Emerges, then Fades Again] For almost a year, the closing of museums, art centres, and non-commercial galleries has been one of the key strategies used to prevent the spread of… See more