Eun Yeoung Lee

Lee Eun Yeoung’s work is built from existing and imaginary elements, simultaneously personal and universal, as she constantly seeks the breaking point among these different components. Exploring diverse media, the artist communicates her visions of a pluralistic culture informed by her extensive travels.

Recent exhibitions


The garden of Adrogué, Clayarch Museum, Gimhae (KOR)


Rain comes when a distant mountain appears closer, OCI Museum, Seoul (KOR)


Rêve d'un animal de poils noir_p261, Creative space_P, Busan (KOR)

Rêve de poils d'animal_p253, La salle Crosnier, Palais d'Athénée, Geneva (CH)


My Fabulous Fortune in 2014, Milkshake Agency, Geneva (CH)


The colors - Yeung nam University, Kyung-san (KOR)