Objects, that lie in each other’s neighbourhood, even those, who have nothing in common like an old computer monitor and a sink, with a faucet which must have been made of brass, these objects often feel themselves to be a part of the whole, one body, which no longer exists, and they, dug up from the grave of some unknown funeral rite must be a part of a larger, forgotten world. A force must have existed which was able to animate their bodies, although they know nothing about such force. In this world, there was everything that could be forgotten: ideas, things, books, which were never written, or put together in another way. There were holidays, celebrating undiscovery of something or someone, languages, which died, and all the words, phrases, metaphors were not able to manifest in the world outside.
The word Alluvia describes shifting, unpredictable reality of deposits carried by river currents: enriching the soil, carrying decomposed fragments and shapes we are unable to identify, sometimes precious stones, sometimes oil spills. Alluvia is a place between two worlds – no longer a river, but not yet land, its character migratory between water and land.
The language of art has no boundaries; it can be stretched and spread out as far as needed. On the borders there are territories that can no longer be called art, or have not yet become it, while somehow being part of it. It is possible to mutter, drone, whistle, hum, and all of this will be an expression of the world, and telling a story about it. Mumbling, humming, and muttering are also the voices of the world. Even silence can be considered language, when the hum and drone fall silent, but in the darkness and deep chasms of the world there is still something speaking – and this something is silent.
Blue Republic is a critically acclaimed, multi-disciplinary collaboration between artists Anna Passakas and Radoslaw Kudlinski. Blue Republic has been involved in presentations, exhibitions and projects in Canada and internationally, including at the Ludwig Forum for International Art in Aachen; CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Galleria D'Arte Moderna in Bologna (Officina America); Galerie Julio Gonzales, Paris; Cultural Services Co-op in Siem Riep, Cambodia; Curitiba, Brazil; Tokyo, Japan; as well as Galerie René Blouin, Oakville Galleries, Art Gallery of Sudbury, MacLaren Art Centre, and Doris McCarthy Gallery.
The duo’s work has been reviewed in Flash Art, Art Papers, C-Magazine, Border Crossings, Parachute, Éspace Sculpture, Canadian Art, Globe and Mail, Le Devoir.
Blue Republic
Blue Republic is a critically acclaimed, multi-disciplinary collaboration between artists Anna Passakas and Radoslaw Kudlinski. Blue Republic has been involved in presentations, exhibitions and projects in Canada and internationally, including at the Ludwig Forum for International Art in Aachen; CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Galleria D'Arte Moderna in Bologna (Officina America); Galerie Julio Gonzales, Paris; Cultural Services Co-op in Siem Riep, Cambodia; Curitiba, Brazil; Tokyo, Japan; as well as Galerie René Blouin, Oakville Galleries, Art Gallery of Sudbury, MacLaren Art Centre, and Doris McCarthy Gallery.