So it was by the stars you charted your course, asked the Phoenicians?
No, said Menippus, it is among the stars themselves I travel.
Obsessed with the last groove of the record, Constellations evolves out of the manufactured silence of the recording medium. Dust particles, the grain of the shellac, and the trace of the cutting stylus uncover the foundation for a sound installation that ironically explores the extreme ends of noise: from the delicate to the visceral, from sound clusters to deep resonant tones. Custom software routes, processes and modulates the record loops into a field of textures distributed overhead via a canopy of over a hundred micro-speakers and through the gallery floor by means of subwoofers.
Charles Stankievech
Artist and author Charles Stankievech works in the constellation of art, architecture and sound. Recently, his work was presented in Leonardo (MIT Press), Xth Biennale of Architecture (Venice), Banff Centre for the Arts, Subtle Technologies (Toronto), Eyebeam (New York), and the Planetary Collegium (England). Stankievech holds a Master’s degree in Studio Arts from Concordia University and a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in English and Philosophy; He splits his time between Montreal and Dawson City, where he is currently starting the KIAC School of Visual Arts.