The NIMBUS's project
Alexis Bellavance, Ariane De Blois, Nelly-Eve Rajotte
This audio-visual presentation carries the spectator across a virtual landscape broken into its composite parts and precisely laid out. Although travellers walk but a single road, they are exposed to differing interpretations of the world which surrounds them. The story-line is revealed gradually, as if part of a novel, or a movie, with the same sense that each new discovery brings about the next one. At once virtual and real, we are pulled to proceed through a landscape which is yet non-existant. This giant “trompe l’oeil” imposes its view of the world upon those who travel through it, enclosing the spectator’s own perceptions.
Perte de signal
Founded by 5 young Montreal artists in 1997 (Robin Dupuis, Julie-Christine Fortier, Isabelle Hayeur, Rémi Lacoste and Sébastien Pesot), “Lost Signal” is a non-profit organization promoting young artists and emerging analog culture on the national and international scene.