Picture Transition (Display Camera) Picture Transition (Unfixed Form) is a work in situ at Darling Foundry, in operation and on view since 2013. The Centre is a particular kind of studio, a blend between private workspace and public engagement, a place of work that is also a place of display. The Display Cameras occupy the activities around artistic production – open houses, studio visits, public viewings, fundraising events, and the like – an intervention to explore the idea of support: the space it covers, how it holds certain things in place instead of others. Made in place, the making becomes the work itself, the parameters of its physical condition become its eventual form. At the end of the intervention, the exhibition turns back to regard the conditions of its own creation. Its process is becoming.
Sarah Greig
Sarah Greig holds an MFA in Open Media from Concordia University and a BFA from Nova Scotia College of Art & Design.